Small Biz Shoutouts!

Outlook Business Journal & Weekly Email Update News Submission

We welcome all member organizations to submit news and events content for the Outlook Business Journal (OBJ), email or social media!

This is a great place to announce a new employee, promote an event, publicize awards, or debut new products or services. In addition to over 1,000 residents and business contacts who subscribe to the monthly OBJ, the Weekly Email Updates are also distributed to our local and state elected officials.

Please complete the form below by the 15th of the month to be considered for the next month’s print OBJ issue and Weekly Email Update. All items are subject to editorial discretion due to limited space.

**Add your event to our community calendar.
We encourage businesses and nonprofit organizations to utilize our Calendar of Events for scheduling and promoting their community functions, as many local media outlets and governing bodies collect data from our website for their publications as well. It is also a popular destination for community residents and visitors who are looking for things to do in the Great Bend area.
To publish events content, be sure your calendar item has been posted on our website at least 10 days prior. Events posted before the 15th of the month prior will automatically be considered for publication in the Outlook Business Journal. To submit an event to the calendar, visit the Events page and click on 'Submit an Event.'